Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Renault R25 Formula One singing engine

I am a total car chick/geek, I am well aware. Keep your comments to yourselves.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Spot the REAL doll

Ever have one of those moments where your kids are doing something so innocently cute that you just have to get a picture?

Monday, June 18, 2007


Yesterday at church, someone mentioned "electronic fasting" on Sundays. I had to agree with someone else who admitted "electronic fasting" would be harder than fasting (not eating). I find myself constantly checking the news websites, email, shopping, other blogs, etc when I'm home. I can waste hours online sometimes if I don't get interrupted. So yesterday, I half-heartedly tried to abstain from electronics, but failed. When we were out in the backyard, I used Roy's Blackberry to check my email. I read a couple sections of the newspaper at a friend's house. I checked the golf score on their TV.
Was I expecting an important email? No.
Was there an article that interested me in the paper? No.
Anyone I knew in the Milestones section? No.
Did I care who won the golf game? No, I don't even like golf.
Was it worth it? No.
When I realized what I was doing, it seemed so irrelevant. The news, email, etc will be there tomorrow. Who says I have to read emails immediately, or even respond immediately?
Today at work I realized I spent my morning and afternoon breaks (15 min each) just checking email and the news. I could have taken a walk around the floor, walked to the breakroom, chatted with a friend. Instead, I'll probably get eyestrain from no break from the computer screen! I also listened to my iPod most of the day to tune out the phone reps around me. Another way to drown in electronic media!

I'm realizing it's okay to not check my email every time I think of it. I don't need to know the latest news, and I don't care who won the golf game! Ironic that I'm putting this on my blog, I know, but I'm not going to check for comments until at least tomorrow. For me, that's a step in the right direction.