Thursday, February 08, 2007

Another year older, but not necessarily wiser

I turned 28 on Sunday, and wasn't expecting much fanfare. After you turn 21, that's about all there is, right? I was very pleasantly surprised though. On Saturday night Roy and I went to a movie and then dinner. After the movie I got an unexpected voicemail from a friend I haven't heard from for awhile; she sang Happy Birthday to me, but didn't leave her phone number! Then on Tuesday we got a birthday card in the mail from her, with her return address. I'm definitely going to send a card or something.

At church on Sunday several people wished me a Happy Birthday, and my mom got me a funny card. On Sunday afternoon we went toRoy's co-worker's house for the Superbowl. Again, not expecting much, I'm turning 28, it's Superbowl Sunday, etc. Well, they got me a cake! And a card! And they sang Happy Birthday to me! WOW, I was not expecting anything at all.

At work on Tuesday, our workgroup ordered TACO PIZZA from HAPPY JOE's, the best TACO PIZZA ever. Roy and the kids hate taco pizza, so the only time I get it is on my birthday, or if someone else chooses it for their birthday lunch. WHOO-HOO! I even got the leftovers since it was my birthday lunch. Warmed up TACO PIZZA is not the same, but it's still so good! I might have some for lunch today.

Oh yes, why am I typing this when I should be at work? Aaron had a 102 temp when he woke up this morning. I think it's just a cold, he's all stuffed up and has a cough. That kid sure has high fevers when he's not feeling well. When he was 2 1/2, he had a 104-105 temp, listless and glassy-eyed. We went straight from the doctor's office to the hospital, with a nurse escorting us (it was just across the street). It turned out he had pneumonia, except the pneumonia was viral, not bacterial, so the antibiotics didn't do much. I remember him just watching and not flinching when they put an IV in his arm, and he didn't like the breathing treatments unless it was a mask, because my dad uses a sleep-apnea machine and Aaron thought the mask was cool like Papa's. He was in the hospital for 6 days, and I stayed with him the whole time. I hope to never have to go through that again, with either of my kids! Oh yes, I was a few months pregnant with Lily then, and the nurses kept giving me snacks to fight my nausea. I was usually fine if I could eat a cracker or fruit. It's funny seeing my sister pregnant now, and she has it worse than I did. If Baby Charlie doesn't like something, it's not staying down!

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