Thursday, December 21, 2006

Pain in the .....

Today at work was interesting, at best. Several times I sat wrong and my bruised behind reminded me it's still bruised. My left ankle is "twingy", and I found a couple of bruises on my arms.

We had lots of comfort food at work today, starting with a catered breakfast. There were eggs, bacon, sausage, danishes and fruit. The fresh pineapple was SO good.

Then a co-worker brought in some fudge. It was a little on the gooey side, but it tasted really good. She told us later that it's Velveeta Fudge - interesting, huh? That would explain the gooey consistency. I'm just impressed when anyone makes fudge or goodies.

At our monthly team meeting there were Little Debbie-type snacks and Cranberry Splash Sierra Mist. I had to skip the snacks this time, but the pop was good. It was pretty sweet, so I might get the Diet version at the store.

Oh, I was #1 in my group for November - yay! I get a $50 gift card tomorrow!! I love my job.

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