Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Year's Eve Bash

We spent New Year's Eve "supervising" the Youth Group bash at church. There were about a dozen of us, including our kids and the adults. We started out the evening with devotions. I think devotions for young people are the best. I always get something from it.

A short time later, little did I know that I'd have to be a participant in a barbaric relay game:

There were two very cold 2 liters of pop, 1 Pepsi and 1 root beer. Each 2 liter bottle was emptied into a shallow bowl and placed on the floor. After counting off into 2 teams, each person got a bendy straw. Then, one a a time, each person ran over to their team's bowl, sucked down very COLD pop for 10 seconds, then ran back and tagged the next person. I will not drink root beer again for a very very very long time. UGH. We couldn't stop burping for the next half hour, and everyone had stomachaches. But yeah, it was pretty fun. Lily did get sick after we got home, either from the pop relay or all the junk food.

The kids played various group games, including Sardines. That's a form of hide and seek, but only 1 person hides, and when you find the person hiding, you hide with them. The tricky part was it was completely in the dark, in about 4 Sunday School rooms. My kids were too scared since it was dark, and you couldn't see a thing. I stayed out of that one too (I'm chicken when it's dark!).

Later we watched "Over the Hedge" on the big screen in the sanctuary. That was fun for everyone. We stopped it about 5 minutes to midnight, and Pastor Nate led us in a prayer. We counted down the New Year, then finished watching the movie. We got home around 12:30, and the kids were still awake! They only slept in until 8:30 the next morning - ouch.

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