Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Charlie and Zoe

I got a voicemail from my sister while I was at work today:

"I can't talk much now, but we're having twins." She was calling from the doctor's office, and later told me she and Brett were just sitting there like two deer in the headlights. Brett called his mom, and she called our mom to tell them, and a lady sitting in the waiting room just started giggling because they were so funny. WOW! We're all still in shock. Sarah said when Mom told Dad he just laughed and laughed.

Sarah wanted to tell Aaron Lily herself, so I managed not to blow it. She showed them the ultrasound pictures, and saved the picture of them side by side for last. She asked Aaron to read the labels, "Baby A" and "Baby B". They didn't catch on at first, but then they both started jumping around! Then Lily showed Uncle Brett how to change a diaper, and how to change a baby's clothes, because he's going to be very busy with TWO BABIES! Tonight I think everyone is still in shock, especially Brett and Sarah!

We decided Brett's mom Barb and my dad Bob should open B B's Daycare.

My how God blesses us!!!!!!

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