Thursday, July 01, 2010

Eating for Three

I've learned from books and other twin moms to eat PROTEIN and lots of it!  At first, I tried eating a lot of meat, which my body just isn't used to processing.  I felt awful on Monday.  I posted a status about it on Facebook and got tons of unsolicited advice - okaaaaay!
Those protein shakes are really good, and I've been drinking chocolate milk and paying attention to balanced snacks that have protein - apples and peanut butter, bananas and cheese.  Honey Nut Cheerios and Milk has a ton of protein too. So far I've avoided the pregnancy curse of constipation - lots of fruit!!  TMI. TMI. I know. 
I seem to be craving Culver's a lot, both the food and lemon ice coolers with raspberries.  Cottage cheese has sounded good off an on too. I've been avoiding tomato-based foods and sauces because I get an icky tummy, but the only food that I can't stand has been popcorn.  Weird. 

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